I was rooting around and stumbled across my old Collins Gem Basic Facts: Computers, a glossary or dictionary of computing terms. This “New Edition” is the Third edition, published in 1991, so at this point in time almost 35 years old. That year I read it cover to cover, multiple times. It was around the time my family got an Atari ST. I consumed everything I could get my hands on regarding computers.
Naturally, this being 1991 the “world wide web” was but a twinkle in the eye of Tim Berners-Lee, not launching publicly until 1993, so there’s no mention of it or any synonym: network is as close as we get. Regardless, this taught me a heck of a lot and made me curious about even more. A worthwhile purchase!
It would be fun to go through it and keep a tally of how many of the items I’ve encountered or used in the time that has passed since I read it. Perhaps a project for a rainy day.
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