Making games on iPhone/iPad using Lua & Love2D

I wondered how feasible it is to make Love2D games “on the go” (on a train, in bed, etc). Often I want to try a quick sketch, work up a prototype, or simply verify an algorithm. I’m happy to say it’s possible!


Love2D Studio

Love2D Game Maker


Textastic (since 2010)

Kodex (since 2017)

GoCoEdit (since 2016)

Runestone (since 2022)

Lua IDE (since Feb 2021)

  • Free
  • this app provides QuickLook support for Lua files
  • at some point you’ll need to check the contents of a Lua file in Files app
  • it also features the full Lua docs (though I use a self-built version of Dash doc viewer)

LuaLu (since Apr 2013)

Other Lua IDE

If you’re into Lua but not into Love2D then you might try Codea for iPad.

Originally published: 2025-02-20
Fuel my writing habit with a donation!
Comments: @gingerbeardman