This is an expanded version of a post I made to the MPU Talk forum.
Those I often need to interact with:
- Bartender (menu bar item manager; old version)
- Dato (alt clock and calendar with timezones; old version)
- iStat Menus (network speed; old version)
- xBar (custom menu items powered by my own shell scripts)
- Proxy Status
- Software Sales Stats
- GitHub Issues
- Eject Volumes
- Caffeine (used to set Mac not to sleep)
Those I infrequently need to interact with:
- Bookmark manager hotkey app (my own, unreleased; supports linkding)
- OTP Auth (2FA codes)
- ToothFairy (Bluetooth/AirPods helper)
- Fluor (specify function key behaviour per-app)
Always Hidden
Those I rarely need to interact with:
- Bluesnooze (turns off Bluetooth when Mac sleeps)
- NepTunes (audio scrobbler and track notifications)
- SoundSource (custom audio equaliser with my hearing profile audiogram)
- DeepL (instant translation of copied text when doing Cmd+C twice)
- Alfred (multi-tool with clipboard history and custom workflows)
- Default Browser (open links in your most recently used/active browser)
- Tiles (window manager)
- Hammerspoon (my own window and workspace manager functions written in Lua)
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Comments: @gingerbeardman