List of vintage Japanese pixel/dot art software

For a while now I’ve been collecting references to old Japanese pixel/dot art software. My main sources of information are the treasure trove of scanned magazines on Internet Archive, Twitter archives, YouTube videos, Yahoo! Japan Auctions listings, and Google search. I’ve been keeping this list for a while, and the release of 16bit Sensation: Another Layer and its inclusion of Multi Paint System made me realise I should make the list public.

A long term goal would be to find files for each of these so they can be actively used and documented more fully. But that might never happen if it’s left to just me…so feel free to get involved!

Funny (pixel art software) & CANDY (technical drawing software)

Selected columns from the big list

The table below is a snapshot of selected columns of a Google Sheet that I’m updating over time. The full spreadsheet contains links to downloads, videos, web pages, magazine mentions, and many other references. So be sure to check, bookmark or subscribe to that link for the very latest information. Since January 2024 I’ve been adding some non-Japanese software that was “big in Japan”.

Regarding the empty cells: software missing a Japanese name was mostly referred to only by an English title. The rest of the missing information is TBC.


Total entries: 235

Platform English Japanese Year Developer
FM-7, X1 Art Creator   1984 MDBA
FM-7/8 Graphic Editor   1983 Hiroshi Ichikawa
FM-7/8 Super Graphic Editor スーパーグラフィック エディター 1983 T&E SOFT
FM-77 FM Graphic Editor   1986 Fujitsu
FM-R50/60 Z’s STAFF Kid FP   1988 Zeit
FM-R60/70 Z’s STAFF Kid FP   1990 Zeit
FM-Towns ARTemis   1993 Ryosuke Matsuuchi
FM-Towns DRAW BOARD2   1993 Souji Yamakawa
FM-Towns G-Pen32K   1995 rice
FM-Towns many COLORS   1993 Amorphous
FM-Towns many COLORS II   1995 Amorphous
FM-Towns Meta Paint 2 メタペイント2 1992 Oizumi Shigeru
FM-Towns New Transfer ニュートランスファー 1992 Hiroshi Toda
FM-Towns Oops, anime-kun おっとアニメ君 1989 Nihon Mi-Com Hanbai
FM-Towns Otome / Towns Paint System 乙女座 1993 Yabara
FM-Towns Power Paint パワーペインター 1991 Wave Train
FM-Towns Towns PAINT   1989 Fujitsu
FM-Towns TownsFullcolor   1993 Fujitsu
FM-Towns Z’s STAFF PRO-TOWNS   1991 Zeit
Mac OS X DotEditerSE   2016 tokyoconsaruai
Mac OS X DotShot X   2007 Studio Shin
Mac OS X FireAlpaca   2011 FireAlpaca
Mac OS X PikoPixel   2013 Twilight Edge Software
Mac OS X PoCo   2005 KAENRYUU Koutoku
Macintosh BluePaint   2001 Shungo Onozuka
Macintosh DotShot   1998 Studio Shin
Macintosh Leo paint   1997 Reona Takahashi
Macintosh SketchBook 68K   2000 Shibutaro Kimura
Macintosh Solid Paint   1996 Masatoshi Utashiro
Macintosh WishDraw   1998 Motoo Tanaka
MPC-X MPC-X Lightpen Graphics   1984 Sanyo
MSX Art Paper アートペーパー 1986 Mitsubishi
MSX (Graphic Editor) Sha Ga Raku 写・画・楽 1988 Victor
MSX Dot Designers Club DD倶楽部 1989 T&E SOFT
MSX GABAN がばん 1988 Micronet
MSX GARAKUTA 画楽多 1988 Southern Create
MSX Graph Saurus 1 グラフサウルス 1989 BIT2
MSX Graph Saurus 2 グラフサウルス 1991 BIT2
MSX Graph Saurus 2.1 グラフサウルス 1993 BIT2
MSX Graphic Artist グラフィックアーティスト 1985 YAMAHA
MSX Graphic Editor グラフィックエディター 1984 HAL Laboratory
MSX Graphic Editor ANGLE グラフィック エディタ アングル 1985 Hiroshi Ichikawa
MSX Graphic Editor XV グラフィックエディター 1988 HAL Laboratory?
MSX Graphic Master Lab グラフィックマスターラボ 1985 HAL Laboratory
MSX JOY GRAPH ジョイグラフ 1983 Victor
MSX Tiny Joygraph   1985 Victor
MSX Pixel 2 ピクセル2 1985 T&E SOFT
MSX Pixel 3 ピクセル3 1988 T&E SOFT
MSX UniPaint ユニペイント 1986 Matsushita
MSX Video Graphics ビデオグラフィックス 1986 Matsushita
MSX, WAVY Light Pen Graphics   1984 Sanyo
MZ-2500 G-EDIT2500 グラフィックエディタ2500 1987 Data West
MZ-2500 ILLUST BOX   1987 Rhodes
MZ-2500 Palette ぱれっと 1987 Dynaware
MZ-2500 Quick MZ Paint   1987 Minoru Morinaka
MZ-2500 Super Paint   1987 S.B.C Software
Newton HexPaint   1997 HexDump
Newton NewtPaint   1995 Glen Raphael
OS/2 QueenCy   2000 masami
Palm CLIE Paint   2001 Sony
Palm MoePaint   2004 Toshiyuki Hayashi
Palm PenPenCol   2001 Shigeyuki Seko
Palm PenPenW   2005 Shigeyuki Seko
Palm PixMarker   2001 wernyv
Palm Sphere the PAINTER   2001 Katsunori Sakuragi
Palm yapp   2000 Ines
PC-100 Airbrush エアーブラシ 1984 ASCII
PC-6001 Picture Editor ピクチャーエディタ 1983 ASCII
PC-88 Adventure Maker mk2 アドベンチャーツクールmkII 1987 T.Ueno
PC-88 ART MASTER 88   1985 SystemSoft
PC-88 da Vinci ~Super Graphic Tool~ ダヴィンチ 1985 POPCOM
PC-88 Emi 絵美 1990 MIINA
PC-88 HR-PAINT3   1990  
PC-88 Ink Pot M   1987 H.Komatsu
PC-88 LALF ~Hyper Graphic Tool~   1989 Technopolis
PC-88 LUNA   1991 MEW
PC-88 Magic Paint 88 v2.0 マジックペイント88 1988 Atsushi Oshima
PC-88 Magic Paint 88 v3.0 マジックペイント88 1988 Atsushi Oshima
PC-88 Magic Paint 98 マジックペイント98 1990  
PC-88 Magic Paint VA マジックペイントVA 1988 Atsushi Oshima
PC-88 nedi3.bin   1987 TA(O)
PC-88 Yukara art ユーカラart 1987 Tokai Create
PC-88 Z’s STAFF Kid VA   1987 Zeit
PC-88 Z’s STAFF Kid88   1987 Zeit
PC-88, X1 Ink Pot   1985 H.Komatsu
PC-98 6 Coloured Pencils 6色鉛筆 1993 tsutosan
PC-98 Actor98 アクター98 1990 Soft Studio Panther
PC-98 Akane あかね 1992 Miruhi Takahara
PC-98 Art Frontier アートフロンティア 1991 Bijutech
PC-98 ArtCore (Art/V?)   1992 SystemSoft
PC-98 Assist Art アシストアート 1991 Assist Co., Ltd.
PC-98 Ayako 彩子 1988 Art Function
PC-98 CANDY   1984 ASCII
PC-98 CANDY2   1985 ASCII
PC-98 Doodle Book / Rakugaki-chō 落書き帳 1993 Toshiya Hayashi
PC-98 DynaPix V ダイナビックスV 1988 Dynaware
PC-98 ESQUISSE 電子水彩エスキース 1989 SAPIENCE
PC-98 Funny   1984 Zeit
PC-98 Garakuta98 画楽多98 1990 Southern Create
PC-98 GIOTTO   1986 Art Function
PC-98 GRAPHIC HENSHIN ぐらひっく へんしん 1998 Taro Namae
PC-98 GREEN   1993 Yoshito Takemura
PC-98 GREM   1993 Yoshito Takemura
PC-98 Hyper Ayako HYPER 彩子 1989 Art Function / Digital Arts
PC-98 JEDAI   1994 D.O. CORP
PC-98 Kureyon-chan くれよん ちゃん 1994 Fusao Saito
PC-98 Maguro/Tuna Paint System 鮪ペイントシステム 1991 Woody_RINN
PC-98 Mapping Paint 写像ペイント 1990 CAST
PC-98 Marupa まるぱ 1993 Ichikawa Soft Labratory
PC-98 MEDI-98 / nedi3   1990 NOZUMU
PC-98 Monopen ものぺん 1995 OEAO
PC-98 Multi Paint System / MPS マルチペイントシステム 1992 C-Lab
PC-98 Paint System Tool / PST 似非キース 1992 hironon
PC-98 Penta-kun ぺん太くん 1994 NEG
PC-98 SANDY   1994 Wataru Ishihara
PC-98 Small CANDY   1984 ASCII
PC-98 Super Tableau スーパータブロー 1987 SAPIENCE
PC-98 Tableau   1987 SAPIENCE
PC-98 TrueLine   1996 OEAO
PC-98 Z’s STAFF   1985 Zeit
PC-98 Z’s STAFF Kid   1986 Zeit
PC-98 Z’s STAFF Kid98   1988 Zeit
PC-98 Z’s STAFF Kid98 v3.0   1990 Zeit
PS-55 Z’s STAFF TRAD   1989 Zeit
SMC Graphic Editor グラフィックエディター 1984 Sony
TRON-OS Pelistina   2005 KAENRYUU Koutoku
TRON-OS Pelistina 2   2005 KAENRYUU Koutoku
TRON-OS Sketchbook 楽描き帳 2011 Satoshi Sera
TRON-OS Xbrush for Chokanji Xbrush for 超漢字 2013 Akira Tasaki
Windows 2K 4thPaint よつばペイント 2007 4th Paint Project
Windows 2K Let’s Draw F   2007 Oscar Creation
Windows 3.1 Daisy Art デイジーアート 1995 Ichikawa Soft Labratory
Windows 3.1 Draw Unit   1994 Type-甲
Windows 3.1 GOINDRW   1996 Yasuhiro Nakata
Windows 3.1 ImgFinish   1996 Syouichi Hattori
Windows 3.1 Pattern Editor PE パターンエディタ PE 1995 Windows 3.1
Windows 3.1 Sailing Draw++   1993 Jun Satomi
Windows 3.1 SUPER KiD   1994 Zeit
Windows 3.1 SUPER KiD v2.0   1995 Zeit
Windows 3.1 Tsuruniha○○mushi つるニハ○○ムシ 1999 Mr Dad
Windows 7 EDGE2   2006 TAKABO SOFT
Windows 9x 1bitPaper   2004 shiden
Windows 9x ArtistX   2001 ARINOKI
Windows 9x ArtistX Labolt   2005 ARINOKI
Windows 9x AZPainter   2006 Azel
Windows 9x AZPainter2   2009 Azel
Windows 9x D-Pixed   2000 Jun Doi
Windows 9x DoggyPaint   2000 HKR.Jon
Windows 9x Dot Art Kakiko ドット絵カキコ 2000 YUUKI
Windows 9x Dot Art Vacation ドット絵バケーション 2002 Arue
Windows 9x Dot Editor Ver 4.0 ドットエディタVer4.0 2000 PSIKYO
Windows 9x Dot Pictureditor ドット絵でぃた 2000 shishido
Windows 9x DotPainterALFAR   2003 Herohero
Windows 9x Easy Paint Tool SAI ペイントツールSAI 2004 TANE/KOJI
Windows 9x eco paint エコペイント 2006 tyty
Windows 9x EDGE   2000 TAKABO SOFT
Windows 9x FARLUX ファーラックス 1997 Studio BullTerrier
Windows 9x FudeBoard   1998 matumoto
Windows 9x Gpen96   1999 Hiroshi Igami
Windows 9x GraphicsGale   2004 HUMANBALANCE
Windows 9x Hyper KiD   2000 Fanfare
Windows 9x Hyper-Paint   2004 kiriman
Windows 9x iDraw   1996 hawk
Windows 9x ILLUSTMAKER   2000 matumoto
Windows 9x Janus   2007 Rigeru
Windows 9x Kakukakuoji かくかくおうじ 2000 1BITMANIA
Windows 9x L-Paint   2001 via
Windows 9x Let’s Draw   1996 Oscar Creation
Windows 9x Let’s Draw Z   2003 Oscar Creation
Windows 9x Light Painter   2000 Yoshi
Windows 9x LitePaint   2000 Rigeru
Windows 9x Matilda   2001 ViikiSoft
Windows 9x mdiapp   2007 nattou
Windows 9x Mpaint   2001 ura00
Windows 9x Neko no Mori Graphic Editor 猫の森グラフィックエディタ 2009 Neko no Mori Soft
Windows 9x PAL Paint 2   2005 Togura
Windows 9x PictBear   2000 Yasuyuki Kashiwagi
Windows 9x PictBear 2   2009 Yasuyuki Kashiwagi
Windows 9x Pixia   2000 Isao Maruoka
Windows 9x Pointillist Feng Chu 3 点画師鳳雛3 2005 Maya Takimoto
Windows 9x PRETTY ART   2000 dmms_21
Windows 9x SPED4   2001 TwinkleSoft
Windows 9x SUPER KiD 95   1996 Zeit
Windows 9x SUPER KiD FE   1997 Zeit
Windows 9x The Graphics   2002 Fanfare
Windows 9x Ultra KiD ウルトラキッド 1997 Fanfare
Windows 9x Ultra KiD v2.0 ウルトラキッド 1998 Fanfare
Windows 9x Yumeiro no Enogu ゆめいろのえのぐ 2008 Kengo Watanabe
Windows CE EDGE Pocket 2   2009 TAKABO SOFT
Windows CE JINZO Paint 16   1999 Tomohiro Ueno
Windows CE JINZO Paint 4   1999 Tomohiro Ueno
Windows CE JINZO Paint full-colour   1999 Tomohiro Ueno
Windows CE mdiapp mobile   2008 nattou
Windows CE Pocket Artist   2001 Conduits
X-Windows Gedo / Graphic EDitor OMNI   1999 Yasuhito Sugiura
X-Windows Xbrush   2001 Akira Tasaki
X-Windows xpx   1994 yav
X-Windows XShodou   1998 Hiroaki Sakai
X1 turbo Z’s STAFF   1985 Zeit
X68000 Art68K   1991 OOYAMA
X68000 Easypaint SX-68K   1991 First Class Technology
X68000 EEL   1994 GORRY
X68000 EX-WIN (EX-System)   1996 Oh! X
X68000 Full Color Paint Tool SAI フルカラーペイントツール-彩- 1996 TANE/KOJI
X68000 G・TOOL G・ツール 1990 Zainsoft
X68000 G68KversionII-PRO   1989 OH! Bussiness
X68000 GE   1990 Miki Hoshino
X68000 GLab   1992 Ushi no shizuku
X68000 gm256.x   1993 Kanzu
X68000 Graphics Editor ARTIST   1992 T.Shimanuki/GCC
X68000 Matier マチエール 1992 Meteor Art Tech
X68000 mfged.x   1988 Mamiyu Yuuki
X68000 MONOCRAYON / CUT   1988  
X68000 Monotone   1988 GUNchan
X68000 Onazorikun   1990 Muchi
X68000 Prism 68K プリズム68K 1989 WOLF TEAM
X68000 RG RG 1992 RERO2
X68000 RGBP   1994 Tetsuya Kimura
X68000 Usagi うさぎ 1992 IKUTA
X68000 XGE   1995 KYA!,CHIAKI
X68000 XPST   1991 kenna & PUNA
X68000 Z’s STAFF Pro-68K   1987 Zeit
X68000 Z’s STAFF Pro-68K v2.0   1989 Zeit
Zaurus PetitPaint   2001 TOK
Zaurus PrismPaint 3   2001 Soga Juroh
Zaurus PrismPocket   2002 Soga Juroh
Zaurus Zausuke ざうすけ 2000 Soga Juroh
Zaurus Linux CloverPaint   2005 Soga Juroh
Zaurus Linux PetitPeinture   2004 Sakira
Dedicated Aniputer アニピュータ 1982 JVC
Dedicated Hyper Paint 2   1991 Shima Seiki
Dedicated Personal LINKS: PFB-2   1991 LINKS Corporation
Dedicated SGX-Hyper Paint   1988 Shima Seiki
Originally published: 2023-10-21
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