Changing the text size of a list using Resorcerer

I sometimes use an app called KeyQuencer Launcher that is part of the KeyQuencer software. The app presents a simple window containing a list of macros allowing quick and easy access.


The text in the window is very small, which makes sense as you want to see multiple macros in as little space as possible. However, my use case in System 7 on iPad is a little different as I’d like to see fewer, larger items that are easy to select by touch.

Knowing a little about how Macintosh apps are put together I thought it should be easy enough to change the text size in the window by modifying the app’s binary code directly. This can be done using a tool called Resorcerer (you could also use Super ResEdit, or ResEdit with the CODE viewer resources installed).

By searching for 0xA88A (the _TextSize toolbox call) I was lucky enough to find a single place in the app where the text size is set. I changed the value passed to the preceding move.m from 0E (decimal 14) to 12 (decimal 18) and the text size was increased.


That was enough of a solution for me, though it is possible to change the font or to increase text size more dramatically if required.